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Binary Ninja Budo

I wanted to sharpen some skills on my journey  among them being my reverse engineering skills.  I started diving deeper into reverse engineering a couple years ago trying a few CTFs in the meantime. As I was stumbling a few colleagues mentioned Binary Ninja and I liked using it right away.

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Year One – Lessons Learned

<disclaimer> The story I’m sharing is but one of many.  None of us got here the same way.  Some of us had common stumbling blocks and successes.  All of us had to put in work.  This likely applies to many disciplines.</disclaimer>

As of the time this article was posted I have worked in Information Security professionally for a little over a year.  It has been quite the fun and challenging ride with its fair share of ups and downs, but much like those ups and downs in weightlifting a little bit of pain resulted in some degree of gains.

In other posts I talked about I talked about how I got started, interests, and what led me towards pursuing a career in Information Security.  The odds are if you are the audience I am trying to reach, you are currently where I was within the last three to five years, or you are on your own “year one”.  The difference between this and many other “getting your foot in the door” stories is what happens afterward and some of my experiences.

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