
GIT ‘er Done

Yes, I can imagine you’re asking yourself, “another GIT guide, what is he thinking?”  For me it means I have a source of information explained in my own words.  After finding a lot of duplicate answers on different blogs I came to a conclusion of people documenting solutions in their own words.  In the context of this article, I will explain what I know about GIT and GITHub providing a short guide for using it alone as well as using GIT with others.

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Code is Everything!

While things like PowerShell have become more ubiquitous in most Microsoft shops in regard to how dependent the current OS and applications are, For a lot of people on the sysadmin side of IT, there is a reluctance to learn or better understand code.  In my earlier years even I (like many other sysadmins) would often use the phrase “I can read it, but couldn’t build it”, but I wanted to push past this limitation.

I must preface that my goal isn’t necessarily to become a developer, but to learn how to think and solve problems like one.  

When I say “Code is Everything” I refer to everything used in the 21st century in terms of technology and things we take for granted.  It’s not as simple as it being something on a computer (or what we familiarize as a computer), but literally everything:  Lights, televisions, phones, appliances, cars etc.  Take away the software and your phone becomes a paperweight, your car doesn’t start, and your TV becomes a dust collector so I think you get my drift.

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